Google I/O 2018: Part-III

Facebook Data Breach is one of the hot topics doing rounds now.

Elon Musk says that AI is more dangerous than nukes, but former CEO of Google Eric Schmidt says that “Elon is extremely wrong”. But he also agreed that he was concerned about the misuse of AI.

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Google I/O 2018

Hello readers!

Google has dropped a couple of high magnitude bombs in the tech world this month with its announcements in the Google I/O 2018 which took place from May 8th, 2018 to May 10th 2018, in California.

So the Google I/O topic will be a three-part series. The first two posts will discuss the top products released in the I/O this year. The third post will be about the impacts of these products and the misses of the Google I/O 2018.

So the three main factors based on which these products were ranked

  1. The innovativeness of the product
  2. The impact of the product on the society.
  3. Scale and ease of implementation

So let’s get started!

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