105: Backpropagation – A Deeper Dive

Hi Readers!!!

After the last post I had received feedback that I could go a bit more deeper into the concept of backpropagation. So in this post I am going to explain in detail the underlying calculus of backprop and also illustrate one epoch with an example.

Continue reading “105: Backpropagation – A Deeper Dive”

Book Review: The 5 AM Club

(this post also has the New Year message in the end)

Image Source: amazon.com

Author: Robin Sharma

Year Of Publication: 2018

Goodreads review: 3.8/5

Genre: Self-Help

A great guide for creating a stellar morning routine!

Why this book?

Let’s face it.. Many of us have it in our New Year Resolutions that we must become an early riser. But very few have managed to achieve it.

I am one among those who have not achieved it. I am a night owl. I can sit till even 2 AM but not wake up before 6 AM. But I have been hearing a lot that being nocturnal is not good for health. So I wanted to read something that would motivate me to become an early riser. I read that the 5 AM Club (5AC) was good and so I decided to give it a read.

Continue reading “Book Review: The 5 AM Club”

102: The One With the Activation

Hello Readers!

In the next 3 posts, we are going to see some concepts that are fundamental for ML and DL.

The Neuron

It is the building block of any neural network. It has been modelled based on the actual biological neuron.

I am not going to dive deep into the biological concepts of the nervous system. If you want to learn more about it refer here.

We saw the basic structure of a neuron.

Continue reading “102: The One With the Activation”